Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Bakery Part 1

Hello Ihr Lieben,
wie versprochen hier die ersten Bilder der Aktivitäten aus der Backstube.
3 verschiedene Sorten sind es am Ende geworden und ein halb fertiger Teig ruht noch im Kühlschrank und wartet auf den morgigen Tag.
Hier nun noch die Bilder des Nachmittags.Ach könnt ich Euch doch irgendwie den Duft posten ;)
Habt einen schönen Abend.

Hello dearies,
as promised here the first pictures of the activities from the baking room.
It became 3 different kinds in the end and a half-done dough still rests in the fridge and waits for the tomorrow's day.
Here now the pictures of the afternoon. Oh could I just post the smell somehow;)
Have a nice evening.

                                                                     chocolate cookies

cocos makronen with white chocolate

                                                                     nut kisses


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Einen wunderbaren ersten Advent :)

ich wünsch Euch allen einen wunderbaren ersten Advent.Hier mein selbst gebastelter Adventskranz der mir bestimmt ganz viel Glück bescheren wird ;)
Ich werde die erste Runde der Backstube diese Woche einleiten und auf jeden Fall die Ergebnisse mit Euch teilen,
macht es Euch kuschelig heute Abend.
Liebste Grüße

I wish you all a wonderful first Advent.Here my first home-made wreath, it will definitely bring good luck;)
I will initiate the first round of the bakery this week and in any case the results will be shared.
Have a cuddly evening.
dearest greetings

Friday, November 18, 2011

beautiful music

Hey hey!

just found a new singer I have to show you.Her name is Lana del Rey- I totally fell in love with her voice and maybe I can bring a little bit of relaxation and joy to your homes.
I know the lips are kind of strange but nevermind, the song makes you forget about it easily and after all it's a really awsome video :)
Wish you a great weekend.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Breakfast, chandelier and a walk in the park...

Today the lucky bavarians had one day off so my parents came here for a visit.We had a wonderful breakfast at the "mariandl" wich is a really nice and cosy restaurant.

After that we had a walk and finally the sun came out, too.So it was a really nice day.

Hope some of you also were lucky enough to enjoyed the holiday today and for all the others, weekend is coming nearer ;)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Carrot cake

Yesterday I tested the carott cake receipe out of the Leila Lindholm cookbook-I told you about that a few posts before and I'm still very enthusiastic about it ;)

I was not so sure about the cake as I had to change the topping because of the lack of creamcheese in my fridge but lucky me it is delicious even with just normal lemon-sugar topping.
Here is the result yummyyyyy :


3 Eier
240 g Zucker
180 g Weizenmehl
1 TL Vanillezucker
3 TL Backpulver
1 1/2 TL Zimt
1/2 TL Ingwerpulver
1 Prise Salz
150 ml Sonnenblumenöl
270 g geriebene Karotten

Butter und Semmelbrösel für die Form
Puderzucker, Zitronensaft für die Glasur

Backofen auf 150 Grad vorheizen.

*die Eier und den Zucker schaumig rühren
*die trockenen Zutaten mischen und unterheben
*Sonnenblumenöl und die Karotten dazugeben und gut verrühren.
*Teig in die gefettete und mit Semmelbrösel ausgekleidete Springform geben
*55 Minuten goldbraun backen
*Eine Glasur aus Puderzucker; Zitronensaft und Wasser zusammenrühren und auf den ausgekühlten Kuchen geben.

Fertig, bon appetit :)

Wish you all a pleasant week :)

Sunday, October 02, 2011

O'zapft is...welcome to the Oktoberfest!

Ok, I have to admit the "Wiesn-Fieber" also arrived here at my house.
I was lucky enough to find 2 really nice vintage Dirndl and now I feel the need to be a part of the Oktoberfest.
The last time I went there I was a little child and hardly remember anything, so there really was the need to refresh the memories ;)
My mom sew 2 beautiful aprons and found 2 really nice little bags for me and here we go:
Welcome to the Oktoberfest!

This is the first dress with the apron sewed by my mum :)

and this is the 2nd vintage dress fromn Alexa here in munich!Thanks again for this perfect Dirndl :)

Sunday, September 04, 2011

A sunday with Leila Lindholm

After I red an article about the swedish cook Leila Lindholm I finally bought the book called "A piece of cake".The german title is "Backen mit Leila".
This book is not just a fabulous cooking book, no it has really nice little stories about her and the different recipes in it what makes the book not only a very inspiring but also a very entertaining book.

She is on of the most popular cooks in sweden and I totally fell in love with her recipes.
Today I was in the mood to try a few an tadaaaa...this is what came around:

First of all here we go with the focaccia experiment, yes it turned out to be really delicious ;)

Second round I tried the apple crumble muffins, also they worked out really well and tasted yummyy!!

So I just can heartly recommend that cooking book.It full of great and not so complicated recipes and the best for lazy or not so lazy sunday afternoons.

Wish you a nice sunday and a piece of cake along with your cup of coffee :)

Sunday, August 07, 2011 love :)

Augsburg is my birth and hometown...and yes it's true, I really love it.
It's supposed to have more little water channels within the city than venice and it has a beautiful old town where you really feel like beeing in italy.

I did a little parents visit this weekend and as the weather was really good we had a litte "italian time-out" ;)
Yummyyyy....Antipasti I love you ;)

It was a really nice weekend and I always enjoy coming back to Augsburg....the most northern city of italy ;)