Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas sweeties!!!

I just wanted to wish you all a merry merry christmas and a wonderful time with your family and your loved ones!!
Just enjoy the days and spread the love ;)

Thanks for reading my blog and letting me share my thoughts.


These are:

orange-chocolate muffins
ginger-orange muffins
gorgonzola-walnut-pear muffins
salmon-dill-creme muffins

If you're interested in the recips just mail me and I'll be happy to tell you :)


Dial V for Vintage said...

Merry Christmas to you too! :)

Signe said...

Mmm, one can never get enough muffins!

Hope you and your family had an amazing Christmas Manu and 'see' you in 2011 ;)